Fall Retreat : The Art of Self Love
to Nov 8

Fall Retreat : The Art of Self Love

At its core, The Art of Self-Love is a celebration of the individual and the ongoing journey of self-discovery. Along with expert Gemma Gambee Lewis and Erin Claire Jones, we’ll host an unforgettable week, designed to give you the tools to live a life of intention. Through teaching the practice of personal acceptance, you’ll learn to enhance daily life and deepen your relationships with others — because before looking outwards, one first needs to learn how to accept, and ultimately love, themselves.


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Spring Retreat : May 2019
to May 12

Spring Retreat : May 2019

Absolute Acceptance : Start Right Where You Are

When you become overwhelmed, what do you do? Do you find ways to escape? Maybe even just with the imagination? When things get uncomfortable do you quickly image how it should all be different so that it is more comfortable for you? There are so many ways that we get in our own way. So many ways we get stuck in the cycle of blame, shame, wanting it differently and then doing it the same. It takes courage to see and then cut through the layers of thinking to get to the place where we actually are and then to start to make the chooses to initiate and maintain change from our embodied truth.

Over the course of this spring weekend in upstate New York, let’s explore and embody Absolute Acceptance together using movement, stillness and ritual as access points. What does it actually feel like to experience all that we are experiencing in any given moment and how do we accept it all? Using the interplay between movement, ritual and meditation we will access, engage, deepen our ability to accept all of ourselves and discover the ways in which we want to move forward from there.

Join us in the Hudson Valley as spring emerges for a weekend of reprieve, practice and self-study that will rejuvenate your sense of connection to self.

Sound meditation will be performed by Franck Raharinosy on both Friday and Saturday evenings.

EMAIL ME to claim your spot or visit the TICKET page.

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Fall Retreat 2018
to Nov 11

Fall Retreat 2018

Love : Activating the Source of Love

In a time when we are continuously witnessing great suffering, where do we find the strength and courage to bring the type of change we want to see in the world?

We find it within ourselves.

Where do you experience love in your body? When and how do you feel your love shift? Most of us spend periods of time restricting ourselves from our deepest power because we are looking to feel safe to experience and express our love. Love is a feeling that originates and emanates from the center of our chests, our heart. When we practice continuously opening our hearts to express our love without the fear of it being returned in the way in which you think it should be, we have the power to change the world for the better.

Over the course of this fall weekend in upstate New York, we will explore and embody the source of our own love using movement, stillness and ritual as access points. What does it actually feel like to sit in the origin of our own love and how do we live a life taking action from this place? Using the interplay between movement, ritual and meditation we will access, engage, deepen our connection to our love and discover the ways in which we want to move from this love source.

Join us in the Hudson Valley as the fall leaves being to fall for a weekend of reprieve, practice and self-study that will rejuvenate your sense of purpose.

Email directly for registration or any questions.

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Winter Retreat 2018
to Feb 25

Winter Retreat 2018

True Freedom : The Practice of Surrendering Desire

Freedom lies within each one of us. Culturally we understand freedom as that which is found through the validation of external forces. True freedom is practicing the ability to listen to and take action from the perspective of the soul. Once we acquire the tools and refine the skills to discover and surrender our desires, we are able to cultivate lives with less suffering and therefore more freedom.

Join us for a winter weekend retreat to explore meditation, movement and ritual as gateways to harnessing your true freedom.

Click on title for more information.

Email me for tickets and details

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Fall Women's Retreat : Movement + Meditation
to Oct 1

Fall Women's Retreat : Movement + Meditation

Self Love : Cultivation Our Most Valuable Currency

w/ Gemma Gambee & Kari Woldum

What does self love even mean? There are so many voices espousing the benefits of self-love yet it is seldom experienced in its full capacity. We often approach self-love from the intellect when it is truly experienced within the body and the deeper sense of self. Self-love is an act of courageously witnessing what arises within and expanding our ability to accept what’s there.

Over the course of an autumn weekend in upstate New York, we will explore the embodiment of self-love using movement and stillness as access points. What does self-love actually feel like, how do we cultivate it, and how do we live a life practicing it? Using the interplay between yoga, Qoya dance, and meditation we will access a new relationship to both self and the love-of-self.

Join us for the turning of the leaves, a retreat from the bustle of the city, and the gift of self-love.

Email me for tickets

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